How to handle hot weather on the water

When getting your boat out on the open waves, checking the weather and wind conditions is second nature to every skipper. But when it is a balmy 50 degrees and humid, it can prove a little sticky to say the least. Whether you are in charge of boat or a passenger, dehydration and heat exposure could put a dampener on a great day out. We hear from Khalil AbuJaber, Marina Manager of Al Mouj Marina, to get some quick tips on how to handle the heat this summer out on the water.

Nothing beats a nice cool breeze, which is easier to achieve when you have a nice airflow along the boat. If you have access to power, then fans or AC – are a great option. However, there are quieter, cleaner methods of staying cool.

Rig up an area of shade on the boat using some tarpaulin. This can also serve as a mini hammock if you so desire!

Keep the temperature down and avoid cooking in the cabin, and if you switch from heat-generating lights to LED or fluorescent lights it can make a big difference to the temperature.

Take plenty of sunscreen for everyone on board and keep a hat on to protect yourself from the sun. Make sure you keep yourself topped up with cool drinks and don’t forget there is the wide-open water to take a dip in when you feel like you are overheating!

2018-05-24T15:45:04+04:00 May 24th, 2018|News|